
Join us at White Plains High School, 550 North Street, White Plains, NY 10605

Check-in is from 7:15 am - 8:00 am, Session 1 begins at 8:15 am and the program will conclude at 12:45 pm.

STOP: If your school is submitting a District Registration, DO NOT register individually as well. If you are unsure, check with your Director before filling out this form. 

Everyone must register online or through their District, a PO without the successful submission of the online registration form or district registration form, will not secure your registration.

There will be NO ONSITE registration. Pre-Registration is required.

We are excited to welcome John Jones as our Featured Presenter!
John will be offering 3 programs, Quick Games for Fun & Fitness, Omnikin Fun for Everyone & Free Tech to Enhance Teaching!
Additional Presenters include:
Gina Carlone & Samantha Yannuzzi, Blindbrook HS
Meghan Vlad, Eastchester MS
Christina Collins, Manhattanville College
Jessica Rosa, City School District of New Rochelle
Karen Bonanno, Woodland Middle School
Tom Gelardi, PS 173, 2022 NYS AHPERD Elementary PE Teacher of the Year
Playworks NY/NJ Region
Brie Walker, Breathe for Change
Kevin Yarnell and Pam Gunther, Fit and Fun Playscapes
Billy Quick
James Paterson
Ryan Kolman
Click here for the Draft Program Grid!

CTLE's will be available at no cost for current members.  Non members must pay the $20 processing fee in advance in order for the form to be processed.

Member Rates

Professional: $30
Student: $15
Retiree:  No charge
Non Members
Professional Non Member: $100
Student Non Member: $45
Click here to join/renew your membership to get all the benefits of membership. 
Click here to check out the benefits of membership
Pre-registration is required, there will be No Onsite Registration.
Stop; Did you check with your Director to be sure your school is not submitting a District Registration?  Check before submitting this form!


In the event you need to cancel your registration, there will be a $10 cancelation fee. Cancelation requests must be emailed to Lisa Corbett at no later than 11/7/23.


Neon CRM by Neon One