NYS AHPERD Membership HOW-TO’s

Check or PO Payment:

  1. Check or Purchase Order Payment CANNOT be completed online
  2. To JOIN/Renew your NYS AHPERD Membership you must download the membership application form
    1. Click Here to Access the Membership Application!
    2. Fill out the Form
    3. Submit the form with the Check or Purchase Order to NYS AHPERD

Credit Card Payment:

  1. Credit Card Payments are the ONLY way to complete your membership online.
  2. You can click the RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP/ or Join Now at the Top of the NYS AHPERD website
  3. Click:  Renew Your Membership Online…

Click: Become a Member Online

    1. You will see a Pop-Up box for current/previous members to login.
      1. Current/previous members can login with a speedy renewal process! 
  1.  NYS AHPERD membership paid with credit card have fees associated with them. Please review the fees below.


*AMEX (American Express)

Review your "preferred" payment card attached to PayPal to make sure an Amex card or Discover are not used.

Member Discounted Pricing for Events:


If you are planning on attending any of the Professional Developments at the member discounted rates you must have a current membership.

A current membership means your membership must have an expiration date greater than the date of the event.


If your school is sending a PO for your membership and event registration:

  1. Send in your PO with completed mebership application (as soon as possible)
  2. The membership will need to be processed by the NYS AHPERD Membership Coordinator.
  3. After renewing/joining the member will then have to LOGIN to their membership profile and Register for the event.
  4. By registering they LOCK in the price for the event.



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