How- To Instructions

*Click the links below*


How do I purchase?   NYS AHPERD Membership

How do I register? For the Annual Conference

How do I register? For the Annual Conference as a Student/Future Professional 

I have purchased a membership, now what do I do?- Creating your Membership Account

I have registered for an event, but how do I know if it has been paid for? Checking your Event Registration Status

My business office needs a copy of my registration/ needs backup to produce a Purchase Order- Printing your Event Registration

How do I get a certificate of attendance? Email your request (with your NAME and Event) to



Cancellation Policies

  • Membership
  • Monthly Membership Subscription
  • Yearly Membership Subscription
  • Event Cancelations
  • Returned Checks
  • Online Store Purchases
  • Clothing Purchases


  • Online Privacy Agreement


Click Here to Review the NYS AHPERD Policies


Please reach out to the NYS AHPERD Central Office with any questions.







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