CTLE Processing (NonMember)

Type: Non Member Specific Products
Price: $20.00



Processing of CTLE hours is free for NYS AHPERD members, non-members pay $20*. 

This applies to any professional development we offer including our Zone and Section Conferences.

This cost is PER EVENT.

If you need your CTLEs processed for more than one EVENT, you must increase the quantity of the product.

EXAMPLE: Catskill Zone Conference, Capital Zone Conference, and NYS AHPERD Annual Conference- you would need a quantity of 3- Totaling $60.00*

*cc fee applies

Questions? Please email:


About CTLE Requirements

As of 2016, the State Education Department requires Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) for all holders of professional classroom teaching, educational leadership, or Level III teaching assistant certificates.

Certificate holders must complete 100 hours of CTLE training within a five-year period.

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